Cowlitz Tribal Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management prepares for emergencies, provides assistance to Cowlitz Tribal Members and surrounding Tribal community programs for disaster recovery, mitigates the effects of these events, and, whenever possible, prevents emergencies and disasters from occurring or worsening.
Our Emergency Manager, is responsible for managing the Cowlitz program in all phases of emergency management including:
- Acting as the main contact during disasters and emergencies
- Coordinating with local, regional, state, and federal jurisdictions and agencies
- Developing and maintaining the response, recovery, preparedness, and education / training of Tribal Members, Staff and Communities
- Establishing procedures to staff and maintaining the Tribe’s Emergency Operations Plans and Continuity of Operations Plans
- Plan Ahead for Disasters | Ready.gov
- PublicAlerts.org
- Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA)
- Cowlitz County Emergency Management
- Lewis County Emergency Management
- Washington Emergency Management Division
- Washington State Emergency Operations Center Dashboard
- FEMA Preparedness - Individuals and Communities
- FEMA Tribal Affairs
- National Weather Service
- National Weather Service Alerts
- WSDOT Alerts
Katy Wolf, CEM
(360) 218-8214 mobile
Katy (Kiowa, she/her) began her career in Emergency Management at the City of Portland in 2016 after several years of volunteering as a Neighborhood Emergency Team Lead. She has experience serving in several emergency management leadership roles for COVID-19, severe weather, wildfires, and the fentanyl crisis. Katy's preparedness experience includes developing emergency plans, developing and conducting exercises and trainings, and preparing situational awareness products.
Our Locations